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1. Cross-border e-commerce:跨境电子商务


Cross-border e-commerce refers to the online trading activities between different countries or regions through an e-commerce platform. It involves buying and selling goods or services across international borders。跨境电商平台可以帮助商家和消费者跨越地理和时间的障碍,实现全球商品和服务的快速交易。

2. E-commerce platform:电商平台

An e-commerce platform is a website or app that facilitates online shopping and transactions between buyers and sellers. These platforms provide a range of tools and services to facilitate the buying and selling process,such as payment systems, product listings, and customer service. E-commerce platforms can be divided into two main types: B2B(企业对企业)和 B2C(企业对消费者)。

3.海关清关:Customs declaration and clearance

Customs declaration and clearance refers to the process of declaring and clearing goods through a border crossing between different countries or regions. When importing or exporting goods,it is required to fill out a customs declaration form and submit it to the relevant customs authorities. The customs declaration form specifies the goods being imported or exported, their quantities, values, and other relevant information.


A tariff is a schedule of duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods. Tariffs can be imposed by governments to protect domestic industries or to balance trade. There are different types of tariffs,such as import tariffs, export tariffs, and transit tariffs. Import tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, while export tariffs are taxes imposed on exported goods.

5.跨境电商税收政策:Cross-border e-commerce tax policies

Cross-border e-commerce tax policies refer to the tax laws and regulations of different countries or regions that apply to cross-border e-commerce transactions. These policies can affect the costs and profits of cross-border e-commerce activities. Some countries impose taxes on imported goods,while others offer tax incentives to encourage exports.

6.知识产权:Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) refer to the legal protection of intangible assets,such as inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols,designs and images used in commerce. IPRs are essential to encourage innovation and creativity in the digital economy.

7.跨境电商知识产权保护:Protection of IPRs in cross-border e-commerce

Cross-border e-commerce IP protection refers to the measures taken to protect IPRs in the context of cross-border e-commerce activities. This can involve the implementation of legal frameworks, such as trade agreements and intellectual property rights protection agreements.


周口标签: 电商 跨境 commerce border Tariffs
